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Dear Friends,
It’s good to come to you once again from Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain. Once again, I stand amazed at what God is doing in our ministry. Rose Rock Baptist has
been a real blessing to see develop. We have not been flooded with visitors but have seen those that God has given us continue to grow. Our entire Sunday night crowd will normally be at visitation on Saturday. I’m talking about over 20 people each week that make visitation. People have stepped up to mow the lawn, clean the church, and fill in all the gaps. God has given us a man that loves to do books and picked up our program very fast. On top of this the Isom Family has taken their calling very seriously and are doing a great job.
In June and July, we averaged between 25 to 40 on Sunday mornings and have an excellent spirit. We still need a piano player and would appreciate your prayers in that area. My daughter plays, but her and her husband go back to our sending church as soon as they replace themselves. That being said they do a good job acapella so I’m sure they will be fine. At this point Dustin (who will be the pastor) is doing most of the preaching and taking care of the day to day business. This is allowing me to get out and present our ministry.
North Haven continues to do well but the building they are in has sold and they have been told that their rent will be going up in one year. Please pray they will be able to find a place that would help them plan their future. I believe God has something very special for them.
The wife and I have been able to get away for some meetings and have been able to present our ministry in some great churches. I drove a school bus for a while this past year and believe it has allowed us some great opportunities, it also put a real stress on the other responsibilities we have. God willing, we will be able to raise enough support that I can sleep in. Well past 4am anyway. I’m sending a picture of this past Sunday at Rose Rock and pray it will be a blessing to you. Thank you for all you do, and God bless you as you labor for the Lord.
For the Souls of Men,
The Carters
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